Council Information

Christow Parish Council is a small local authority. There are eight members of the Council who are elected every four years. The Council employs a part-time clerk, who is also the Responsible Financial Officer. The Council is subject to audit and councillors adhere to a Code of Conduct, which means they are fully accountable.

The Council is a representational voice for the community, responding to other authorities and drawing attention to any issue that affects people living within the parish. It is consulted by Dartmoor National Park Authority on planning applications in its area.

The Council owns and manages Christow cemetery on the Teign Valley Road, the recreation field and the car park, the bus shelter, and an allotment site. It also manages two children's play areas on land leased from the District Council.

Members of the public are invited to attend Council meetings, which are held every month, except for August, in the Bowden Room of the Teign Valley Community Hall. There is always a 'public discussion' period during which time the public can ask questions and raise issues.

st james church

Artichoke pub 

Christow Parish Council Facilities

Christow Cemetery

Christow Cemetery is owned and managed by Christow Parish Council. It is situated on the Teign Valley Road.

Purchased Graves and Cremation Plots
An application has to be submitted to the Parish Council to purchase a grave space or cremation plot. You will then be issued with an exclusive right of burial deed, which entitles the owner or a person of their choice to be buried in the plot. Usually the undertaker will make the application on your behalf.

Memorials can only be placed on purchased graves or cremation plots. You will need to wait 12 months to allow the ground to settle before a memorial can be erected. Memorials in the cremated remains section are exempt from this.

Memorial Masons
Your memorial mason must be able to install the memorial in accordance with the National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM) Code of Working Practice.

He should give you a 10 year guarantee against poor workmanship in respect of materials and construction.

Obtaining Permission
Before a memorial can be erected in the cemetery, permission must be obtained from the Council. Your memorial mason will submit an application on your behalf. If your application is successful you will be issued with a Grant of Exclusive Right to Erect a Memorial for a period of 30 years. This right may be extended after the 30 year period subject to your memorial being inspected and found to be safe.

Maintenance and Responsibility for the Memorial
It is important to remember that it is you and not the Council who is responsible for the maintenance of your memorial. If the memorial becomes dilapidated or unsafe and you cannot be contacted, in the interests of Health and Safety steps may be taken to lay it down.

Glass vases are not allowed in the cemetery. They inevitably break and the shards are a hazard to public safety. Vases suitable for the cemetery can be purchased from a memorial mason.

Please use the links below to access the relevant documents.

Application Form for a Grave Space

Application Form for Cremated Remains

Application Form for Monument Work

Cemetery Fees

Cemetery Regulations

Christow Allotments 

Allotment gardening can be a very rewarding pastime providing an affordable source of fruit and vegetables. It can be a social activity too, giving the opportunity to get to know people with a common interest.

Christow Parish Council owns and manages an allotment site. There are 20 plots and there is a water supply. If you are interested in renting an allotment you should email the Parish Clerk to find out if one is available, or if you have to put your name on a waiting list.

The allotment plot will be leased to you for the period of one year. Each plot holder will be required to sign a tenancy agreement that sets out the conditions for having an allotment plot.

When an allotment becomes available the Parish Clerk will send you a tenancy agreement to sign. You should return this to the Clerk with a cheque made payable to Christow Parish Council for the first years rent. The rent for the period 1st October to 30th September is £25 per allotment. The agreement and a plan of the allotments can be accessed by clicking on the links below.

Allotment Agreement

Site Plan

Recreation Field

• Residents of Christow are permitted to use the recreation field for general recreational purposes, free of charge.

• No camping will be allowed on the field unless approved by the Council and would ordinarily be limited to two nights. (see below)

• There is a strong presumption against commercial use but this may be granted in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Parish Council.

• Christow residents and voluntary organisations may use the field free of charge provided that the Clerk or the Council has been notified in writing (email) and being given approval either by the Clerk or the Council dependent on the size and type of event.
eg. football match/school sports day/cricket match/Christow Show.

• Non-Christow residents and voluntary organisations may use the field provided that the Clerk has received the request in writing (email) and subject to approval being given by either the Clerk or the Council dependent on the size and type of event. A donation towards the upkeep of the recreation field would be required for any event held.
The whole of the weekend - £250
Daily rate - £100
Evening - £50
Donations to Christow Parish Council paid 1 month in advance of booking date.

• In ALL event the field must be left as it was found.

Play Areas