Policies and Procedures

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives people access to information held by public authorities. Under the Act the Council is required to adopt the Model Publication Scheme. Please see the Christow Parish Council Publication Scheme for details.

This guide lists information that is readily available and how it can be obtained, that is by viewing it on the website, requesting a hard copy, or making an appointment with the Parish Clerk to view the information. It will also tell you if there is a charge for the information. The Council may ask for payment before providing it.

The Model Publication Scheme simply sets out the information that is routinely available. Information that is not listed in the Guide to Information can still be requested and will be made available unless it is exempt.

Requests for information should be in writing stating your name, address and details of the information required. The Council will inform you whether or not it holds the information, and subject to exemptions, supply you with that information within 20 working days. For more details, please contact the parish clerk.