Village Map

In 2018, the Christow Community Land Trust sponsored a project led by Tim Deane to produce a large-scale map of the village showing places of interest for residents and visitors. It provides an up-to-date picture of Christow village in its landscape setting, showing both its present amenities and some features inherited from the past which give an indication of its historic development.

Village resident and graphic designer Holly Stevens designed and produced the map based on Ordnance Survey data.

You can preview the map by clicking the image, and you can purchase an A3 print copy on durable, waterproof paper at Christow Stores.

The reverse of the map contains a range of information about the village past and present, but with limited space on the page, the next phase of the project will be the publication of more detailed information covering our local history, wildlife, geology, local services etc on this web page. If you have any material that you think would be suitable, or a suggestion of what you think we should include, please get in touch with Tim Deane or Corony Edwards.

The CCLT gratefully acknowledges the help of Christow Parish Council in making this project possible by enabling us to access Ordnance Survey data through its membership of Parish Online. Thanks also to everyone who has contributed with information and suggestions during the course of production, and special thanks to Time Deane and Holly Stevens for their enormous contributions to the project. 

christow map